
应用定量推理要求 & 定量推理安置

应用定量推理(AQR)的要求 通识教育课程 requires students to successfully complete an AQR designated course by the end of 他们的第三年.  这些课程是由a 各部门, emphasize using quantitative skills in our lives and to understand our world. 因此, AQR courses center quantitative reasoning to make informed decisions; to understand, model, and make predictions about our world based on empirical quantitative data; 并知道如何解释和沟通定量数据和结果.

To enroll in an AQR course requires fulfilling a QR prerequisite(s) based on your 定量推理安置. 学生可以满足入学的先决条件 通过以下四种方式之一参加AQR课程(图1):

QR放置的四条路径. 1. Achieving a score of at least 650 on the SAT Mathematics (MSAT I) examination, a score of at least 570 on any Mathematics SAT II subject examination (MSAT II), or a score of at least 28 on the Mathematics ACT examination to place directly into an AQR course. ACT或SAT成绩必须正式提交给学院. 请注意, listing your scores on your Common Application without having them officially 送去火博体育不算. 如果你有相关的标准化考试成绩, 但没有把你的成绩正式提交给火博体育, 请到你的大学理事会或ACT账户, take a screenshot of the summary page (or print page to PDF) that shows your full name, 出生日期, 还有你所有的成绩,包括考试日期, 然后将截图(或PDF)发送到registrar@dgbts66.com.  在网上 QR定位诊断 直接进入AQR课程. 未提交ACT的新生 or SAT scores or whose scores do not place 进入AQR课程 must take the online QR定位诊断. 在网上 QR定位诊断 并进入基础QR课程(FQR课程). 学生进入一个 FQR课程必须在第二年结束前顺利完成. 这些课程, 哪些是由不同的部门提供的, emphasize the application of mathematical 日常生活中的计算和概念. 在网上 QR定位诊断 然后放入 MA 100 (定量推理). 本课程强调基本的定量推理 skills in mathematics and statistics, is required for all students who do not place into an FQR or AQR course and must be successfully completed by the end of their first 一年. Students must then take and successfully complete an FQR course (as described (上图).

  1. Achieving a score of at least 650 on the Math seciton of the SAT or a score of at least 28 on the Mathematics ACT examination to place directly into an AQR course. ACT或SAT成绩必须正式提交给学院. 请注意, listing your scores on your Common Application without having them officially 送去火博体育不算. 如果你有相关的标准化考试成绩, but did not offically submit your scores to 火博体育, 请到你的大学理事会或ACT账户, take a screenshot of the summary page (or print page to PDF) that shows your full name, 出生日期, 还有你所有的成绩,包括考试日期, and then email that screenshot (or PDF) to registrar@dgbts66.com
  2. 在网上 QR定位诊断 直接进入AQR课程. 未提交ACT的新生 or SAT scores or whose scores do not place 进入AQR课程 must take the online QR定位诊断.
  3. 在网上 QR定位诊断 并进入基础QR课程(FQR课程). 学生进入一个 FQR课程必须在第二年结束前顺利完成. 这些课程, 哪些是由不同的部门提供的, emphasize the application of mathematical 日常生活中的计算和概念.
  4. 在网上 QR定位诊断 然后放入 MA 100 (定量推理). 本课程强调基本的定量推理 skills in mathematics and statistics, is required for all students who do not place into an FQR or AQR course and must be successfully completed by the end of their first 一年. Students must then take and successfully complete an FQR course (as described (上图). 进入MA 100的学生将获得 only one opportunity during Orientation to take an in-person test to revise their placement to FQR (students in the London FYE should speak with the QR导演 to 另作安排).

For incoming students, 定量推理安置 should be completed prior 和你的指导老师谈谈,或者在注册之前,通过 标准化考试成绩 或者网上的 QR定位诊断. You need to take the QR定位诊断 seriously as underplacement means taking 最多两个额外的QR课程.

注意:  TQR定位诊断只能做一次.


AQR -进入AQR水平或完成FQR课程
FQR -在FQR或AQR水平的安置,或完成 MA 100
MA 100 -安置在 MA 100 水平
* Note that individual courses may have an additional prerequisite(s) or corerequisite(s). It is your responsibility to determine what is required before enrolling in a course.

You may be interested in taking a specific AQR course during your first semester at 火博体育. 如果你有兴趣在第一学期选修AQR课程, 我们鼓励您这样做,但要注意先决条件.  你将需要放置 at the AQR 水平 in order to enroll in an AQR course your first semester at 火博体育 或在入学前完成FQR课程 转交给火博体育. Placement is done either by submitting the required SAT or ACT scores (as described 以上)或采取在线 QR定位诊断 (as described above) and earning a score on the placement diagnostic that places 进入AQR课程.

将学生安置在 MA 100 must take and successfully complete MA 100 before enrolling in any FQR courses and 则必须先修习一门FQR课程,然后再修习AQR课程. QR主任将 provide students placed into MA 100 one opportunity to revise their QR Placement to 通过亲自进行QR测试. 这是唯一一次亲自参加QR测试的机会 将在迎新会上. QR主任将安排学生在 伦敦是否有机会亲自参加QR测试.

Please be aware that certain AQR courses may be required or expected for particular 在火博体育大学的前两年主修专业或曲目. 请与您的 提供建议并制定相应的计划. 你有责任了解这些要求 并相应地注册课程.


Upon successfully completing the AQR requirement, a student will be able to do the 后:

  • 使用统计和/或数学模型来描述经验数据;
  • 理解、模拟和预测群体或系统的行为;
  • Interpret and communicate results orally and/or in writing; and
  • 使用定量推理进行明智的决策.

注意-如果您在2020年秋季之前进入火博体育,请参阅 旧QR要求页面