校外学习 & 交流


There are many other ways to go abroad again after 你 have studied off campus or 从火博体育毕业. 在校外学习仅仅是个开始!


Many students will choose to study off campus more than once while at Skidmore. 与 planning 你 may be able to study off campus for multiple semesters or by combining 学期学习和短期课程选择. 在OCSE见顾问 找一个项目 别忘了考虑火博体育的 旅游研讨会 -由火博体育教职员工领导的短期项目. 


Consider applying for a Skidmore summer grant for educational experiences or unpaid 实习. SGA还有一些额外的融资机会.


Many work options will be short-term work abroad where 你 can earn enough to cover 你的食物、住宿和日常生活费用. 这种类型的工作可能会 not pay enough to cover air transportation; but, if 你 are lucky, it may help to provide some extra money for travel after 你 leave 你r job. 短期工作经历 include positions such as “au pairs” (nannies), farm workers, typists, wait persons, 还有青年营的领导.


If 你 are a full-time student or a recent graduate (within the past six months), 一个叫做 BUNAC can help 你 obtain a permit for short-term work in Britain, Ireland, Australia, 或新西兰. 


Here are three examples of organizations that take high school students on educational 和/或社区服务暑期出国旅游. 他们提供暑期旅行的工作 leaders in an area where 你 have experience and language skills. 访问他们的网站 招聘信息:

Post-Grad Internships available through Study Abroad Providers

Some of Skidmore's approved program providers offer students have post-graduate internship options for students that studied on one of their programs.


While teaching abroad is different in many ways from other overseas experiences, it 这可能是一个巨大的学习经验. 首先,重要的是 approach the experience with teaching, not travel, as 你r primary focus. 

There are several kinds of teach abroad 要考虑的项目. 你可以选择工作 through a private, for-profit business or a non-profit organization. 这里有一些 要考虑的项目:

  • 西班牙语言和文化助理项目: This program is managed by the 西班牙语 Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and the Education Office of the Embassies of 西班牙 in the U.S.A. 和加拿大. 参与者 教K-12年级的英语.
  • 法国助教项目: This program offers 你ng Americans the opportunity to work in France for 7 months, 教各个年龄段的法国学生英语.
  • 飞机计划 - The 飞机 (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme seeks to enhance internationalization in Japan through the promotion of mutual understanding between Japan and foreign countries. It focuses on creating ties between 日本 and 飞机 participants and is run by local 政府. Most participants are assistant language teachers and engage in language instruction under the guidance of teachers’ consultants or 日本 teachers of foreign 语言. To apply, contact the 日本 Embassy or Consulate-General closest to 你.
  • CIEE: This organization offers various opportunities to teach 英语 around the world. 参与者 pay a program fee which covers placement, visa issues, and insurance.
  • WorldTeach公司. - WorldTeach is a non-profit organization that sends volunteers overseas to teach 在发展中国家. Subject areas vary from 英语 to environmental education. While each participant must pay airfare and program start-up fees, 这个项目 subsidizes 你工作时的开销. 他们甚至有有用的筹款建议 为你提供支付费用的方法. 哈佛大学成立并管理 这个项目. 
  • 戴夫的ESL咖啡厅就业中心: A fine web site for more information on teaching overseas.


在国外做志愿者有很多机会. 修复项目,扫盲 运动和教学只是其中的几个例子. 一些程序收取费用并提供 services such as insurance coverage, meals, and even housing. 有些不收费 fee but provide no service; some provide free room and board in exchange for 你r work; some even pay a small stipend.

  • 火博体育的联系 社区服务项目办公室 for local and international volunteer opportunities as well as alternative spring 打破计划.
  • 和平队由参议员约翰·F·克林顿于1960年发起. 肯尼迪,和平队是其中最著名的 opportunities to live, work and serve in another country.
  • 跨文化解决方案: This is a nonprofit organization offering programs in 12 different countries with 超过200个不同的开始日期.
  • 人类家园: 栖息地 runs various international programs like the Global Village Program and 国际志愿者项目.


Is the continuation of 你r academic 职业生涯 the next step? 如果你在想 going to graduate school, 你r first two steps should be to talk to 你r academic 顾问和参观 职业发展中心. They will help 你 to identify programs that match 你r interests and goals and 让你开始申请流程.

如果你在想 going to graduate school abroad, there are several things 在申请过程中考虑. 明确你想学什么. 接下来,确定 哪些学校提供最好的课程. (你的指导老师可能就在这里 特别有帮助.你将如何资助你的项目? U.S. 联邦援助和 贷款可能无法获得.

查看以下选项 优秀奖学金、奖学金和助学金 for graduate study abroad, administered by the Office of Academic Advising. 


For more information on short or long term work, volunteer, and study abroad opportunities 看看这些资源:

  • 火博体育学院职业发展中心
    The staff in the 职业发展中心 can meet with 你 individually to discuss 你r skills and provide 你 with guidance in getting on the right path for an international 职业生涯. They also have a lots of Web connections related to international 实习 和职业. 你也可以查看他们的链接 GoingGlobal 数据库.
  • 国际职业就业周刊
    This is a comprehensive source of information on international 职业生涯 positions.
  • Maintained by the University of Texas at Austin’s Institute for Latin American Studies, 捆扎 is the Electronic Network for Latin American 职业生涯s and Employment. 

Disclaimer: While we are familiar with many of the resources listed, 火博体育大学 以及校外学习办公室 & 交易所不认可或推荐任何组织 或者是网站.


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