

Most campus demonstrations—such as marches, meetings, picketing and rallies—will be 和平无阻碍. 学生示威不应被打断,除非 its participants are violating the 学生 Code of Conduct (as outlined in the 学生手册). Such violations might include but are not limited to the following:

  • Intentional or reckless interference with normal college activities and functions. Examples of such activities/functions include but are not limited to studying, teaching, public speaking, research, administration of the college, or emergency (校园安全, 消防(或警察)行动.
  • 故意干涉他人的言论自由.
  • Actions, explicit or implied threats or gestures that place a person in reasonable 害怕不受欢迎的身体接触或伤害.
  • Intentional or reckless behavior which may, or in fact does, deface or cause damage 学校财产或他人财产.
  • Obstructing access to offices, buildings or other college facilities.
  • Unauthorized entry into or occupation of any college room, building or area of the 校园,包括在任何未经授权的时间进入或占用.


  1. Generally, peaceful demonstrations should not be interrupted and protestors should 不受阻碍或挑衅. 然而,在某些情况下,学院可能会做出决定 应为示威者设立一个指定区域. 应该做出努力 尽可能正常地开展学校事务.
  2. If possible, have 校园安全 officer(s) monitor the demonstrations.
  3. If demonstrators are asked to leave but refuse to leave a facility by its closing 时间:
  • Arrangements will be made by the Dean of 学生事务 to monitor the situation 在非营业时间,或
  • Determination will be made by the Dean of 学生s Affairs or his/her designee to treat the violation of regular closing hours as a disruptive demonstration. (见下文.)


In the event that demonstrators are interfering with the operations of the college: 

  1. 的 学院院长兼学生事务副校长 or his/her designee will go to the area and ask the protestors to leave or discontinue the disruptive activities.
  2. If the demonstrators persist in their violations, they will be apprised that failure to discontinue the specified action within a determined length of time will result in disciplinary action and/or possible intervention by police authorities.
  3. If the demonstrators persist in disruptive activity, the following statement will 在情况允许的情况下由选定的学院官员朗读:

    “我 _____________________, 火博体育学院的代表. 大学荣誉 Code and Code of Conduct forbids the following conduct, as described in the 学生
    手册: 'Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching or other educational activities on the college campus or other property used for educational 目的.
    'Intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with the freedom of movement, both pedestrian and vehicular, on the college campus or other property used for educational 目的.
    'Unauthorized entry, use or occupation of college facilities that are locked, closed 或以其他方式限制使用.'
    "As a representative of 火博体育大学, I am directing you to vacate these premises 立即,否则将面临法律后果."

  4. If the demonstrators persist in disruptive behavior after the above administrative message is read, the following statement shall be read as circumstances permit:

"的 college has requested that the Department of 校园安全 and law enforcement 官员们清理了这片区域. 学院的管理部门现在将退出此事 允许执法部门这样做的地方."

"I am ____________________, from the Department of 校园安全 at 火博体育大学. 我要求你们离开这里,散开. 如果你现在不离开,你 违反了o140条款的非法侵入行为.纽约州的第5名 刑法."

Efforts, including the taking of photographs if necessary, should be made to secure positive identification of demonstrators violating the Code of Conduct and breaking 法律,以方便以后的调查.

If determination is made to seek police intervention, the demonstrators will be so 通知. Upon arrival of the Police Department, the remaining demonstrators will 我被告知警察部门要逮捕他.


In the event of a violent demonstration, in which injury to persons or property damage occurs or appears imminent, the following procedures will be implemented. 此外, steps outlined in the above section regarding Nonviolent Disruptive Demonstrations 是否应该遵循,如果情况允许的话.

的 Director of 校园安全 (or designee) will respond and advise the 学院院长兼学生事务副校长. All immediate steps will be taken to minimize any potential for real damage and injuries by contacting the appropriate police agencies 视需要而定.

  • 必要时将向总统提出建议.
  • 总统,连同 学院院长兼学生事务副校长, and the Director of 校园安全 will determine any further action.


  • 的 Department of 校园安全 will investigate the disruption and take immediate 减轻任何损害或伤害的步骤. 我们会联系当地执法部门 视需要而定.
  • 的 Department of 校园安全 will notify the Director of 校园安全, who will 通知 学院院长兼学生事务副校长 还有合适的管理员来讨论下一步的行动.
  • 学院院长兼学生事务副校长 你会向总统报告情况吗.

注意: If possible, attempts should be made to communicate with protestors to convince them 停止从事非法活动. 然而,校园安全部门 is authorized to call for police assistance without counsel from others if doing so is deemed to be of immediate importance to the safety of persons or property.